Tipuaarangi Pootete | Skirt
Pōtete | Wrap Skirt
Whakapākehātanga | English Translation
Pōtete = Tie together
Matariki Collection
Each piece in the Matariki collection has a special hononga (connection) to one of the nine whetū (stars) of Matariki.
This Pōtete Skirt is connected to Tipuārangi.
Tipuārangi is linked to birds and elevated delights like fruits and berries from trees.
During Matariki, kererū were harvested, cooked, and preserved in their luscious fat, giving rise to the whakataukī below.
Ka kitea a Matariki, kua maoka te hinu
When Matariki is seen the fat of the kererū is rendered so the birds can be preserved
If Tipuārangi hides during Matariki, kai from the sky will be scarce. If she gleams brightly, a bounty of food from the skies await.
Purchase this skirt with its matching Pari Pōtete (top).